Why Prep With Us?

Boost My ACT is unique from other test prep organizations. Having been involved in ACT test prep since 1968, our methodology is honed and proven to yield maximum score improvements. We provide quality prep instruction according to students’ needs in a comfortable classroom setting.
Our strategies work. Period.

We offer exceptional value, yet our cost is significantly lower than national prep corporations. Relationship is important to us. Boost My ACT is committed to helping our students achieve their scoring goals, therefore we offer continued practice and guidance at no additional cost until the student is satisfied with their ACT scores.

Why Prep In the First Place?

Students need every advantage possible to give them a competitive edge when applying for University acceptance and scholarships.

The ACT (American College Testing) entrance exam is a critical component in identifying the most academically able students for admission to the nation’s selective universities. Scored on a 36-point composite scale, each point holds tremendous weight in determining a student’s collegiate opportunities.

Even a single point improvement on the exam could translate into better acceptance rates or increased scholarship offers.